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8 natural ways to improve your mental health, according to science

In a world where there is not much you can control, these tips are easy and can be put into practice right away.

Over the years many scientists have reported on natural self-care tips that are backed by science and are fairly easy to access, even in our troubeled world they might be useful to you. 

1. Listen to the birds

Listening to the sound of birds is probably more effective as a mental health boost, after all, it involves being outdoors in nature. If you don’t have time to go out, there are many places you  download these sounds and listen to them in your home. The next time you have a bad day try listen to those bird sounds.

2. Spend more time in nature

There is overwhelming evidence that it can really help reduce stress, improve your mood, and even keep you healthy. Because? First, research has found that observing complex patterns in ferns, flowers, mountains, ocean waves and other elements of nature can induce more alpha waves in the brain, associated with relaxation.

An easy way to start is with a walk through the forest or park ner were you live, to take advantage of the health benefits of nature. But if you can’t get outdoors, experts say there are helpful things you can do to get closer to nature, like opening a window to let in a fresh breeze or wearing nature-inspired scents and listen to nature sounds.

3. Reduce the consumption of ultra-processed foods

It has always been known that frozen pizza and French fries are bad for your physical health. But these ultra-processed foods could also be fueling anxiety.

Research shows that people whose diets are rich in these foods (which also include soda, candy, energy bars and fruit-flavored yogurt) have a 44 percent higher risk of depression and a 48 percent higher risk of anxiety .

There are many ways to change these ultra-processed foods for healthy foods. and tons of healthy diet you can choose from.

4. Organize your space

Getting organized does not help with diagnosed depression. But it can make a difference for your mental health. “You will feel less exhausted, you will increase your productivity in the office and you will greatly improve your quality of life if you learn to declutter and organize yourself. Many experts offer some research-based recommendations on how to start organizing your spaces, so start now!!

5. Take a bike ride

Of course, any type of exercise is going to be good for your mental health. But experts reported last year that cycling is one of the best physical activities you can do to feel better. “research shows that children who ride their bikes at least once a week have higher levels of mental well-being,

Scientists are still working to figure out why riding a bike is so great, but it could have something to do with all the executive function skills you need to coordinate your movements and navigate obstacles that come your way.

6. Activate well-being hormones

In addition to food, there are other ways to trigger the release of dopamine, serotonin, endorphins and oxytocin. A 2023 report offers some examples of how to get high on your own hormones: from the dopamine rush you get from something as simple as finishing a task to the serotonin release that comes with meditation.Research shows that playing with your pet can give you a stress-relieving rush of oxytocin.

7. Eat more of these foods

On the other hand, your diet can also help you improve your mental health. “There are no magic foods that relieve stress, but you can increase your levels of happy hormones, like serotonin, with a healthy combination of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, proteins and carbohydrates like dark chocolate and banana. 

8. Plan a trip

Going on vacation is a no-brainer when it comes to improving mental health. But what if you don’t have the time or means? It turns out that even planning a vacation can make a difference. As many have reported during the pandemic, research shows that anticipating a trip “can substantially increase a person’s happiness.”